Our Mathematics Curriculum Intent:
The use of maths is an essential part of everyday life and we believe that all children can achieve and become confident mathematicians. For our children at St Mary’s, it is our intention that when our children start school, the first steps in their learning journey is to recognise numbers and develop their understanding of counting in the environment around them. Once secure in this understanding, the next steps are for the children to apply their understanding to written calculations in KS1 using the four number operations (+ x - ÷). This is where the basic skills needed to calculate confidently are embedded before the children move up to KS2.
Once the children move up to Lower Key Stage 2, the children are taught more formal written methods for calculations and develop their resilience to problem solve through trial and error and begin to thrive in their mathematical reasoning and understanding.
In upper Key Stage two, our aim is for the children to have a secure awareness of the importance of mathematics in their daily lives. This is particularly the case when our children are becoming ‘secondary ready’. We want our children to have the necessary life skills for them to be able to cook for themselves following a recipe. For our children to have the skills to do this, they need to have a secure understanding of fractions and measures. Our children need to understand how to confidently use money to buy food if they are cooking for themselves or paying a bus fare to get to and from school each day. We recognise that our children need a secure understanding of how to tell the time and can use this knowledge to enable our children to be able to organise themselves and plan a daily routine.
Our Mathematics Implentation:
At St Mary's we teach mathematics following the 'Maths No Problem' scheme of work in KS1 and KS2. Maths No Problem is a whole-school primary maths programme that provides everything to support a mastery approach to teaching and learning mathematics, and it meets the higher expectations of the National Curriculum. It follows world-leading teaching based on Singapore’s state primary schools.
- Maths No Problem uses accessible pupil textbooks to introduce concepts in a highly scaffolded way, enabling all children to develop critical thinking skills, make mathematical connections and become confident mathematicians.
- Maths No Problem builds on a concrete - pictorial - abstract approach, ensuring secure foundations and deep understanding of mathematical concepts.
- Maths No Problem uses a spiral progression to develop fluency, reasoning, and problem solving and conceptual understanding for mastery.
For more information about Maths No Problem please follow this ink:
Mathematics is a very important subject here at St Mary's. It is taught daily in specific lessons, but children practise and use their maths throughout the school day.
Nursery and Early Years
Nursery and Reception follow 'Development Matters' to deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. In mathematics, your child is likely to cover the following things:
- To count to 10 using concrete resources and everyday objectsuse number names and reciting some in order.
- Sorting and matching objects.Using blocks to create simple building.Using containers to fill and empty liquids.
- Beginning to mark make to represent amounts.
- Complete simple jigsaws and puzzles.
- Learn simple shapes and recognise shapes in the environment.
- Notice simple patterns and begin to create their own simple patterns.
Early Years
- Counting up to 20 everyday objects.
- Saying and using the number names in order.
- Finding one more or less than a number up to 20.
- Starting to use the language of addition and subtraction; counting on and back.
- Sorting and matching objects and shapes.
- Comparing quantities and shapes.
- Finding and recreating simple patterns.
- Beginning to do some simple measuring, comparing lengths and quantities.
- Talking about things like size, weight, distance, time and money to develop correct vocabulary.