Year 4 2024 - 2025

Miss Hodkinson


Welcome to Year  4 


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Miss Hodkinson- Class Teacher      Miss James - Teaching Assistant              Miss Raby - Teaching Assistant            Miss Vickers- Teaching Assistant 


Welcome to Year 4.

This Summer term we will be learning about:

English - Explanation texts. 

Guided reading- Fantastic Mr Fox

Maths - Decimals

History- The Victorians.

RE - Pentecost.

Science - States of matter.

Homework is given out on a Wednesday and must be returned the following Monday. Homework is going to be as follows:

  • Reading – It would be fantastic if you could listen to your child read and ask them questions to check that they understand what they have read. Please return reading books everyday to school.
  • Spellings - Children should write the spelling words out in a sentence and practise the spelling of the word.
  • Time Tables – It is ESSENTIAL all pupils in Year 4 know these as they have an important test in June related to all of the Time Tables. Please practice these daily.
  • Comprehension- Children will be asked to complete a short comprehension to work on their reading skills.

Please use Purple Mash to practice times tables:

Or Time tables rockstars Soundcheck:

A few reminders:

  • Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school each week with all items of clothing clearly labelled.
  • You can support your child at home by helping them to explore TT rockstars and learning their times tables.  
  • Please also remember to encourage your child to read every day and sign their reading record;


If you have any questions or would like to arrange an appointment to see me, please contact me on my email at or the school office on

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